Major in plant science deals with theories and techniques for the plant production harmonized with nature and agro-ecosystems that are essential for human survival. It also pursues exploration of life phenomena in crop plants at levels from molecular to community through understanding heredity, environment, and their interrelationships, in order to ensure both productivity and quality of crop plants. Education goal is to bring up global talents through teaching and training on (1) breeding novel crop varieties using conventional and molecular tools, (2) understanding the mechanism of plant adaptation to abiotic and biotic stresses, (3) identifying, understanding, and producing new substances in industrial and medicinal plants having specific functions, (4) establishing sustainable agricultural systems by minimizing limiting factors to crop production, and (5) understanding crop responses to global change (GC) and strategies to cope with GC.
Job Opportunities After Graduation :
Graduates will have many opportunities for getting a wide range of job positions. For example, the offered curricula have several areas of concentration to suit needs of students to pursue a career in teaching at middle and high schools or in researching at private and government research institutes. faculty positions will also be available for Ph.D. graduates if who have high levels of qualifications. Other employment opportunities exist in seed companies, agro-chemical companies, agricultural cooperatives, and plant quarantine organizations.
- Han-Yong Kim / Agrometeorology /
- Jonghan Ko / Crop Environmental Ecology /
- Ok-Ran Lee / Special Crop Science /
- Bo-Keun Ha / Crop Genetices & Breeding /